lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Human Rights

The Human rights are very difficult to mean with a one concept. It is a rules for a better life that more times this rules aren't respected. The human rights was created to made a fair life but more people don't respected and they abuse of other people, made crimes...

The human rights werecreated on ten of december in 1947. This day, the General Assambly accepted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and this countries were displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational place.

This rules had been created for some reasons. How I said before, the reason because had been created It's for made a fair or better life, because there are people higher or lower than another. This shouldn't people who are abused by other people.

I don't know how many human rights there are because everey country have got some differents human rights or a contradictory human rights. For exemple, I believe that in Spain there are a fifty human rights aproximately.

The human rights that caught my attention has been no slavery. This Human Rights I don't understand how it can exist today. I don't understand because we are in a desenvoluped society but in our country still exist the slavery and that we would be ashamed.

The Human rigths that I choose is the no torture in general. Torture female or child I believe that now It shouldn't exist. I don't understand how some people can torture even your family. If you love your family because you torture. I think that in the society that our life this it shouldn't exist because its stupid. In my country this Human Rights aren't be respected and I know because every day or every week appear in the TV that a men are torture a women or a children. Now. in TV, appear a images that they said the tortures around country and they investigate how they can be stop. All this It isn't repect in the past but in the past the women rights its underestimated but the people don't torture her children who now.

The better of all this is that every time tha human rights are choosing more importancy in the country and It appeare in TV because now the piliticians are doing things that they should do before.

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