jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

My oral presentation

I did my oral presentation with Adria. We talked about videogames in the exposition oral. We explain how video games formed, the first video games, the best videoconsoles games and the best top ten video games. Do it the oral presentation oral with Adria I helped raise with final mark because he drafted the text and corrected my some mistakes.

Now I'm going to little bit comment of oral presentation.


I intruduced to our presentation with the power point. I explained everything that they going to said next. I believe that we did a correct presentation using a correct vocabulary.

Body language and eye contact.

In this part my mark down because I know that I read a lot althought I read a lot because I am very nervious and I have fear that I didn't remember something. This day I woke up at six o'clock because I like studyied for I didn't like reading. In my house I did the presentation oral almost without reading.


Our structure of presentation oral I believe that It's correct because we said the things that I talked in the presentation. I think that it's also correct structure because It was possible differentiate the presentation, the content and the conclusions.


I think that this part it was the best because in the power point don't appear all information and we only using for following the presentation. Adria did much work in this part because he corrected my wrongs and he changed vocabulary to make it more formal.


The language of our presentation I also think that it was correct because Adria has a good level of English and he was using correct verbs forms and correct vocabulary. In this part Adria also did much work because he also helped me.

Pronunciation and intonation.

My pronunciation and intonation it was a regular because how I said before my level of english it's not good and for this reason I escaped some word that it wasn't english or I said with a wrong intonation.

In the end I put the transcription of presentation oral but I can't put a video of this presentation because Adria and me have a problem. We don't put this video in the youtube because it's too long and we can't divide this video because Adria don't have any programme that It do it and I have a problem with video.

The blue parts are what I said and the other parts are what Adria said. The part of Adria in this text are more esquematic than what Adria said.

Today we are going to talk about videogames. First of all we will introduce with a short explanation about videogames history, the variety of video consoles there are now in the market, and some of the top 10 videogames of all the times.

Videogames History:
Okay, first of all we will make you a short explanation about videogames history, as we’ve said it will be short because videogames history is infinite and it’s growing every day.
- Origins:
In 1947 it was created the first videogame of all times, it consisted in a analogical system which consisted in destroy some luminous point which appeared random by the screen. Although it’s considered the first videogame of all times it’s not really a videogame, why not? Well, because as all modern inventions, this game was created to train American soldiers.
In 1951: Claude Shannon created the first Chess-playing programme, however, that wasn’t a real videogame, because it work with sequences of numbers and letters, but it’s considered one of the first videogames because a human player it’s requested to play the game.
In 1952: NIM is created, a mathematical videogame which just existed before as a board-game, the main difference is that NIM was made to be played with a screen.
1958: Tennis for two was created by William Higginbotham. This is the typical videogame where a Ping-Pong or a Tennis match is simulated. This is, officially, the first videogame of human history.
1959: Mouse in the Maze. It doesn’t seem a videogame, but in fact it was, it’s a simply game, it’s as use the mouse of a PC of nowadays.
1961: Spacewar. It is one of the famous videogames, it consists in destroy as meteorites as the player can. The shotgun is in the middle of the screen and meteorites come from all sites.
1966: Odissey. It is the first home-videogame, until this moment all videogames where very big computers with a reduced screen, but now people could buy this machine and bring it to their home, because it was smaller than any videogame which had been invented.

1972: Pong!. It’s the first videogame of a new era, it was made as a remake of Tennis for Two, but with lots of improvements, the original videogame had totally changed. Pong! had so much effect between teenagers of all the world that it began the era of arcade-videogames.
Videogames became a common thing, and as time went by, videogames improved more and more, first of all a computer was needed for every videogames, but with the time, computers as NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) appeared, this computers allowed players to play lots of videogames with the same machine.

Video consoles of the new millennium:
Playstation3: It’s the third generation of videogames from Sony Computer Entertainment. It’s as a computer, there are different models with more or less memory, and it goes from 20Gb to 320Gb.
PSP: PSP is the a handled game console from Sony Computer Entertainment. It’s potential is higher than PlayStation2 but it’s not as high as PS3 one.
XBOX360: It is the second video game console produced by Microsoft. It hasn’t got the potency of PS3, but is the second best videogame console of the market.
Nintendo Wii: It’s a home videogame console released by Nintendo. It’s a little bit better than PlayStation2 and it has the particularity that when you move its wireless controller your avatar in the screen makes the same movements as you.
NintendoDS: It’s a dual-screen handled game console from Nintendo. And it’s the one which has less potency. It has the particularity than in one of the screens the player interacts with a pencil-stick.

Top 10 Videogames of all times:
10.-Super Metroid (Super Nintendo)
9.-Tetris (Varios)
8.-Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)
7.-Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox)
6.-The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo)
5.-Super Mario World (Super Nintendo)
4.-Half-Life 2 (PC)
3.-Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
2.-Resident Evil 4 (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Wii)
1.-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

Okay, that’s all, if you have any question we will be very kind to answer you.

My last post in this term!

OOh yess! This is my last post of this term!

In this post I talk about a group of music. In the end I also will do a reflexion about this term and the problem that I had.

The group of music that I talk about is the White Stripes. This band was formed in 1997 in Detroit , EEUU. Their components are: John Anthony Gills (known by the nickname Jack White) is the guitar and singer and Meg White that she play drums and she also is singer.

They aren't famous until two thousnad three with the elephant album. Now, they are very famous and they with the three last albums have got a three awards for their alternative music. They albums are: The white stripes, the stijl, white blood cells, elephant get behind me satan and the last album: Icky Thumb.

They play a alternative music. It's a extrange kind of music that it's similar of rock of 60' , blues, punk rock and other.

Now, they are more famous with a song that it's known for around the world. This song belongs a elephant album that for my it's the best album that they are do.This song is seven nation army. In the end of post I have put a video of this song.

"Relection" of this term

The first problem that I had is a personal space! I have problems with this because It's diferent than last year but this years it's better because maybe we have do more compositions but we have do less free posts or posts about our life. I hope that now, then to I do all this, I can aprove this subject because with a marks of exams I don't aprove it although tomorrow we do the last exam but with my level of English I don't believe that I can pass. All this it's more work but If It doesn't exist I woludn't aprove this subject


Today I talk about futbol and my football team.
I have bee playing football eight or nine years ago. In my life I have play in three football team. My first football team was atheltic empordanes. This team was the worst of all team that I have playing. In this team I played one year. Then I went to play in sant peter fisherman. In this team I meet Pau Ubric and other people of sant peter fisherman. In this team I played a lot of years and we won a lot of match. Three years ago I decided went out of this football team because we had a bad team. Then I went in castelló d'empuries team. In this team I played with Guillem Sanz and other poeple that they studying in this secundary school how Francesc Farrés. Now I played other time in sant peter fisherman team because this year castelló d'empuries haven't got a team. Now I played again with Pau and my friends of sant peter fisherman included Guillem Sanz that he also played in this team for the same reason that me. Our football team play: Ramon Vergés, Pau Ubirc, Mamadou, Sergi Olivet, Lamin, Boba, Guillem Sanz, Edu Valls, Alex vicente, my brother Victor Marin, Bemba, Youssef, Cesar, Aleix Font, Lluis Coderch, Kevin and Noel Cordon. In the last train came a new foobtall played. Her name is Lluis.

This year we have a good team but the last week we lost a more important match. If we won this match we would first in the league. This football match it's the first that we lost. Only we lost one football match and we also draw a only match. This week we will play against Juncaria. It seems this team it's very bad and it will a easier football match.


This film I watched with Guillem in the langauage room.
Braveheart is based on the life of William Wallace, a Scottish hero. This film is starring and produced by Mel Gibson.

Brave heart is a most famous film. It does more time in the TV. It's a very interesting film that it explains how a scottish person get commandeer more people for fight again king of england. This king abuse the scottish people and he didn't life in peace.

This film is famous because all people of all ages can see because this film has humour scenes how for example when the scottish people show their bottom against english people and they decided to throw a dart. This film also has a love scenes, how for exemple when William Wallace love a women but his parents don't like that William found her daughter. It also has a fight and war scenes how for exemple in the end when scottish people fighting against english people that they are more people than scottish people.
I like this film and I started to see more time but I never finished to see. This time neither I saw all film because It's too longer for my and in the end it is boring.
Finally I put a video of appear a trailer of this film.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009


Well, today I talk about Internado. Internado is a Tv spanish serie that It do it in "antena 3". Two weeks ago this tv serie started the seven season.

Internado explains a life of a students that they don't scape in this place because or they father are die or they father are working and they don't charge up of their children. In this place succeed a extranges things. First, some students did ill and then this students died. Then this the protagonist students decided investigate because there was more students that they died. They discover that more years ago in this place there are people that they did a extrange experiments with persons. This people worked with nazis and they kidnapped people and children for they do this experiments.
Finally at four season some students discover that in this school still are this experiments and the teachers of this school are nazis. One of the protagonists, Marcos, he find his mother and his father because all people said him that they died but he doesn't believe. He has reason, her parents are live but they were kidnapped for the nazis.
In the last season all they are infected by one virus that only made antidote the nazis and If they don't like die, they should take ordres of nazis. Now, they also discover that between the students there is a one student that he is delator and they are fighting during all day because anybody know that which is the delator.

This TV serie have more exit in the young and for this Internado have a seven seasons. Now I put a video. This video is a trailer of third season.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009


Think in English Nº30

Catch up with ketchup

This news talk aboaut ketchup and her history.

Ketchup is a health product according to diticians unlike that the majority of people think. Acoording to text this sauce is a wonderful porduct that it's had been associated with low-quality food from America and this country used ketchup for simulated blood in cheap horror film. THen explain differents kinds ang her origins.

I like ketchup and eat a lot of food with this red sauce. With this news I learnt more about ketchup who kinds and varities of this sauce and someaone logan.

It's time fir electronic books. Paper books are history.

I believe that this sentence is true because now a lot schools will have electronic books and thay will lose paper books.

Now, some children around tha world are using more electronic books for reading than paper books. One hand I believe that this is a bad thing because in the future the paper books will disappear and there will be more future children using glasses than now.On the other hand this is better for the vegetation on the world because in the future we won't extinct forests. This sentence is very sensible because for a one hand is bad thing but on the other hand is better. I believe also that if it will succeed, the people spend a lot of money than if it don't succeed.

We still don't like I think that it will success because it's easier to find information if it's searched in the electronic books.

Welcome mail!


I am David Marín. I am a good student but my level of English is very bad. Last year I went to a class where we didn't have a good level of English and I passaed with low marks.
I am a person who works a lot at home and I attempt to make an effort to make the maximum but my vocabulary is poor and I get more nervous when I speak in English. I never hace gone to classes outside schedules and for that reason I don't know more English than my classmates. I also have a disadvantage , I don't have parents that know English only my cousin but she is studying first batxillerat.
I decided to study batxillerat because I prefer studying than working. And If I study in the future I can looking for a good job.
This year I am very worried with research project and the selecitvitat examn. My research project is still very short and I need much more time to finish it because in summer I didn't do much.
I hope I can learn more english because I know that in this sibject I am not very good and I need a dictionary to write compositions.
Well, this is what I think and I see that in the future I need help for this subject and now I regret not going to classes of English outside the high school.

Goodbye, see you tomorrow!

Extra podcast

This podcast I do this morning with Roger and Guillem. We explain a invented story.

My first entry in this year!

I can't believe, this years I am doing second batxillerat! I thought that never I will arrive.
At the moment, I do the research project and I stressed. My research project talk about Reina Sibil·la. This person was born in Fortià, my village. Sibil·la was a important person because she married with a king of aragonese crown, Peter third. She lived in the thirteen and fourteen century. As well as that she lived in Fortià, some habitants from Fortià you had decided for three years to do a work of theatre. House of picture is a Sibil·la's house. Sibil·la's house from Fortià.

Well, my research consist in all this. All research project will have deliver the next month, fifteen on december and students of art History we will go to excursion in Barcelona one day before to delive research project. This means that students of art History we will finished the research profect two days before.
Part of this, we will do more exams, we will reads more books and more and more ... I have more work and more little time. I know that all things hapened to me because in the began of course I didn't organize the work and now I am very stress!!

This life it's a student life.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Human Rights

The Human rights are very difficult to mean with a one concept. It is a rules for a better life that more times this rules aren't respected. The human rights was created to made a fair life but more people don't respected and they abuse of other people, made crimes...

The human rights werecreated on ten of december in 1947. This day, the General Assambly accepted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and this countries were displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational place.

This rules had been created for some reasons. How I said before, the reason because had been created It's for made a fair or better life, because there are people higher or lower than another. This shouldn't people who are abused by other people.

I don't know how many human rights there are because everey country have got some differents human rights or a contradictory human rights. For exemple, I believe that in Spain there are a fifty human rights aproximately.

The human rights that caught my attention has been no slavery. This Human Rights I don't understand how it can exist today. I don't understand because we are in a desenvoluped society but in our country still exist the slavery and that we would be ashamed.

The Human rigths that I choose is the no torture in general. Torture female or child I believe that now It shouldn't exist. I don't understand how some people can torture even your family. If you love your family because you torture. I think that in the society that our life this it shouldn't exist because its stupid. In my country this Human Rights aren't be respected and I know because every day or every week appear in the TV that a men are torture a women or a children. Now. in TV, appear a images that they said the tortures around country and they investigate how they can be stop. All this It isn't repect in the past but in the past the women rights its underestimated but the people don't torture her children who now.

The better of all this is that every time tha human rights are choosing more importancy in the country and It appeare in TV because now the piliticians are doing things that they should do before.

Cambiar el tamaño del reproductor Ver este vídeo en una ventana nuevaYouth For Human Rights - No Torture

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

My joke!

This is my joke. In my opinion it's a litlle bit stupid but when I laughed so much and decided to tell . It was the joke that made more grace

Why is two time ten it's the same as two times eleven?

Because two times ten is twenty and two times eleven is twenty too.