miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010


A month ago more or less we went to a UAB (one of the univeristies in Barcelona). There we went to choose more or less and we know to operation the subject that we want to do the next year. First I went a bar with Guillem, Roger, Andreu and Adrià but then Andreu and me went to a class where they explained like operation the "education primary" (educació primaria) that I have think to go the next year because I still am not sure that I will do. Then I went to our house.

A couple of weeks ago we went UDG (university of girona). This university divide in diferent campus that this campus are distributed in diferents places of Girona. We went to "barri vell" that is the place of education primary and people that now are doing the batxillerat of lyrics. In this place we meet diferent person that the last year studying with our in the Castelló d'Empúries or that studied in Figueres. This people went to ours because there are some people that they choose a career that now they don't like. I am very undecided because I don't want that I will pass the same that this people. In Girona also we went to class of education primary for we want see the operating of this zone. Then we went to Girona until the hour for return a Castelló. This day I like more because I meet a lot of friends that long time I don't see.

2 comentarios:

  1. UAB vs. UdG. Where you'll go? I'm sure I'll go to UdG, it's simpliest, smallest and also, more familiar. We will be near from our houses and also, I love Girona; you have a lot of things in a relative "small" space.
    See you soon David! :*
    Enjoy the weekend, we need it!

  2. I hope you go to UdG because then we will meet often =D
    Have a nice weekend :)
