Today we do an interview with a shepherd from Granollers. Wewill try to do an interview to know more of thi profession and their way of life now and before because this professions is dying out.
D:Hello, Peter. Are you ready for the interview?
P: Yes of course David, I'm so excited to begin.
D: Well, peter Is it true that now there ar less shepherd thn before?
P: Yes, that's right. I beiee tht the reason is because more people are used tot the new development of the society. Now there are more machines than before that they do our work.
D: Therefore you are agee with me If I say that the shepherd profession in te future will disappear. Could you tell us th causes and consequences?
P: I hope that you are wrong but I think the same. I thin that there are different cases. One of these causes is the developed society, as I said before. Another I am seems that now there are new jobs which are best paid than this. Now we don't see more shepherds than before. In this country I am the only one. However, now with the general crisis problem...
D:So, do you think that with this cisis there will be more shepherds?
P: I don't believ it but If I am sure with one thing is that th shepheds will never disappear. Althogh the are more machines I think that this professon will always exist.
D:That's good, but althought the developed society brings disvantages , there are also some advantages?
P: Yes, of course. The pofession now isn't the same that exited before. Now with new techonology it's easier thanbefore. The conditions nw are better than before.
D: Then Peter, ths is all. Has been a pleasure having you among us.
P: Well, the same applies, goodbye!
D: Goodbye I hope that I will see again!
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