martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

My final reflection

My english progress from 2008 to 2010.

If we compare my first composition and my last composition we can see a little bite propgress but no more. My first composition is the letter that my classmates and me written one year ago. This letter is short and my vocabulary is very simply. In my last composition aren't good but there are more fluency than the first writing. Also I find that I had little vocabulary. As the composition is very short the structure aren't very bad it same that the content. But there are more different with the vocabulary, language and fluency althought that my lasts composition isn't very good. In my view I think that althought I have progress a lot because now I do a lot of wrongs that after I didn't do. I believe that the reason is that after as I had little vocabulary and little fluency. For this reason after I did a little composition and I did a little phrases.

This is the link of my first composition in first batxillerat. Here we can see the simply composition that I did.

And in my first presentation oral we can see a bad pronunciaton than now and the vocabulary that I used was very poor.
My english competence in 2010
This links are the my best written and my best presentation oral.
I believe that I choose this presentation oral as the best because in this I know aa lot about this topic. Furthermore, I was a little bite nervios and when I am nerviuos I need to read althought that I know the presentation or I know to find a different way to say.nevertheless in this show I think I defended pretty well with a more or less appropriate vocabulary and clear, good structure and good content. But I think that I failed in the pronunciation and the eye contact.
Then I choose my extra writing because is one of the last composition and I believe that I didn't very bad. Furthermore a person help me when I was doing this written. It isn't a bad composition because I can see that I don't repeat a lot, I use a clear vocabularyand my structure isn't very bad. Also I can see that the composition has alittle bite madurity unlike the other composition that I did before.
Then, this is all. This year I worked a lot but I should be work the writings! that in the first and second term I didn't take the language room for practise this. In the conclusion I can say that it's true that I have a little bite progress but I don't know if not for better or worse, which is that is not enough and I have to work harder

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

The last entry!

Finally the last entry! I will do a little bite avaluation of blog and in general.
I think that this blog use to improve the writings and vocabulary. Now I don't find every word inthe dictionary as at the begining but I don't know that I do because my writings doesn't improve. At the begining I have 4 in my wrigtins but now I only have threes. In my view this happens me because It's true that we wrote a lot and the majority of my classmates improve her writings or their vocabulary but If this writings aren't correct, we won't improve. Moreover I never went to a class out the school although that I've asked many times. And for this different reason I don't improve because I try to improve but I get rarely times.
But I also think that thanks for this blog I have get approved because the blog have more work but improve the mark althought the writings aren't very well. I also hope to approved this term even for the blog like the first term because I did very bad the reading and writing exam. Is alo true that I should have tried to improve my writings, readings and listening since the begining.The next year and this summer I try to improve my english for the next studies.


I know that as teachers of English as the topic you like related to the environment I have proposed a recycling essay.I choosed this topic because I found some news related with this.This is the result:

Due to of the big production of garbage at the end of the twentieth century providing news houses on the world, many people have stopped buying unnecessary things and they have begun to recycle. Some people suggest that it won’t work. Personally, I don't believe this will happen.
Firstly, the recycling is very important for the environment. As a result, it’s beneficial for us. Moreover, the recycling prevents the augment of garbage around the world.
Secondly, many people are irresponsible about this item but nowadays there are more and more people that they are recycling. Therefore, the global warming is decreasing.
In conclusion, I am convinced that recycling have a future. In my opinion, the recycling is our present and our future.

Bad day

Now I will explain the last day. Yesterday was a gray day. I woke up and I could listen the wind When I went to school at 8 o'clock was very cold and was raining. Furthermore I had very sleep andI was very tired. In the end of this day the History subject give me a bad mark and the next day I have another examen for this subject. Yesterday when I arrived at home I don't slept like always. I studyied a lot all afternoon. I never has suspend som subject and I hope that not happens now. It all of this week and the next week are full of exams. But I believe that I pass the History exam and as they say here in bad weather, good face. The next Saturday It's my birthday and I do eighteen years!I am waiting all year for this day and I will play a football match and then I will went to Barraques with my friends and I will pass very well althought that the next week I have five exams because is the last week! and I try to have the best marks for improve my marks of batxillerat!

The last weekend

The last weekend I went to barraques. I explained the fist day in the last entry but now I will do a summary of remaining two days.

Saturday, then the football match Guillem, Roger who saw our football match and me we went to my house. I was ver tired and I went to wach tv but Roger and Guillem played in the computer games or played basketball. Then we went to Julia's house because was her birthday. In Julia's house we eat with Julia's friend and we give her the presents of her birthday.

Then we went to barraques of Figueres. When we went to barraques started to rain a lot but when I arrived in Figueres stop rain for fortune but there are a lot of pounds and mud. However, we could see the famous group of Delinquentes that they play a kind of music similar "rumba".

Then start again to raining but more less than before. Then I went with my different friends of Figueres, Castello, Fortia... I love Barraques because I always see alot of my friends that normally don't see because they have more friends or living far. In the end of this night I was angry with Andreu and then I went to mygirlfriend's house to slept. The next day I went to Telepizza for eat with the boys classmates, Pau's girlfriend and my girlfriend. At 12 o'clock we went to Barraques but all people left soon because this day was raining a lot. However, we left when Brams was that group of music who played left. And now I want to be the next week that comes back to go Barraques again!

Barraques and football match

This last weekend began the barraques. "Barraques" are the different parades where sold drinks and the next of this place there is a concert of different music groups like Delinquentes or Strombers.

Normally the first day there aren't more people but this year I suprised because there are a lot of people. This day there aren't a good group and I went to my friends and I don't listen th music because I don't like these. Then I went to slep very soon because the next day Ihave a football match against Perelada.

This match was very important because I was fifth in the league and If we won, we would seconds!Football match began at 5 o'clock and I met two or three perelada football players. One of this are my cousin and he is very fast. In the begining cost us a lot. In the first time we were 1 a 1 but in the second time we made two goals. In the end we were one a three and we won!therefore now we are seconds and maybe we up the category!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


Well, finally we could go to Manchester with my girlfriend Marta. First the 22th of april I slept in my girlfriend's house because the next day we should woke up at 7 o'clock for take to flight at 10 o'clock more or less.

When we arrived to airport was 9 o 'clock and we waited one hour o 'clock. Then we uped in the airplaine. We went to the Girona airport until Liverpool airport that her name is John Lenon Airport. In this place there are more things related with the beatles because they was born in this country. We were two hours in the airplane and then 1 hour to Manchester.

In Manchester Marta's sister waited them and She showed us all city like more important University of Manchester where she study, different universities, churches, a "noria" of Manchester, Hilton building( his building is the father of Paris Hilton) that is the tallest building of Manchester, different parks, studiant places, chinatown,library, Town Hall Square.... the first day we visited the universities and churches and then we went to Julia's house, Marta's sister. We were very tired but the next day We walked a lot and visited Hilotn building, "noria", studiat places, different parks and in the end we went to shopping. We wanted to go in a party but we were more and more tired. The last day we went to the bus stop and in the airport of Liverpool we waited 4 hours because the airplane wast postponing. I arrived in my home at 10 o 'clock. I like a lot. Furthermore this place is not similar with London because in London there are the tipical things of England and in Manchester there are a different ambient. thanks to Julia to move because we were there and had an amazing English.

Too bad I was missing days, but I enjoy it very much!:)

The last week before going to Manchester

5 days left for me to go to Manchester. And I have a big problem!the Island vulcano! I am very worry because only there are five days and now has erupted a vulcano. It's very irreal and I am begin to stress.
A month ago was the my girlfriend birthday. This day her sister Julia, that are living to studying in Manchester, bought two tickets for go to Manchester. My girlfriend invited me to go in Manchester. I was so keen that the time was going very slow. First we are going to decided when. We decided the 23 of April, the st.jordi's day. If we went this day, we returned three days after,26 of april. The last week became the worst. The spanish language teacher decided to put a exam in 23 of april! and I wouldn't do. Furthermore erupted a vulcano. There are a lot of days for a vulcano eruption but wol be that.
I thank that we didn't go but I just had said that I didn't do de exam. I was very stress. It was not until the 22 of april that the ryanair open her doors because a vulcano expelled a dangerous cloud of ash. This cloud of ash was expanded in Europe and all flights are cencelled. If a pane fly in the air with this cloud maybe the motors of the plain stop working and it was very dangerous.
The 22 of april ryanair works again and in the end I could go to Manchester.


Today we do an interview with a shepherd from Granollers. Wewill try to do an interview to know more of thi profession and their way of life now and before because this professions is dying out.

D:Hello, Peter. Are you ready for the interview?

P: Yes of course David, I'm so excited to begin.

D: Well, peter Is it true that now there ar less shepherd thn before?

P: Yes, that's right. I beiee tht the reason is because more people are used tot the new development of the society. Now there are more machines than before that they do our work.

D: Therefore you are agee with me If I say that the shepherd profession in te future will disappear. Could you tell us th causes and consequences?

P: I hope that you are wrong but I think the same. I thin that there are different cases. One of these causes is the developed society, as I said before. Another I am seems that now there are new jobs which are best paid than this. Now we don't see more shepherds than before. In this country I am the only one. However, now with the general crisis problem...

D:So, do you think that with this cisis there will be more shepherds?

P: I don't believ it but If I am sure with one thing is that th shepheds will never disappear. Althogh the are more machines I think that this professon will always exist.

D:That's good, but althought the developed society brings disvantages , there are also some advantages?

P: Yes, of course. The pofession now isn't the same that exited before. Now with new techonology it's easier thanbefore. The conditions nw are better than before.

D: Then Peter, ths is all. Has been a pleasure having you among us.

P: Well, the same applies, goodbye!

D: Goodbye I hope that I will see again!

3 news

Youngest debutant steps up to Moto Gp.

With only twenty years old Aleix Espargaró, from Granollers (Catalunya), is the youngest debutant in moto gp. Furthermore He signs for Promo Ducati Racing team for this year. Standing in for Mika Kallio in two Moto GP races has opened the door for Aleix Espargaró. He began in Moto 2 with Promoracing team but in the end he decided to began in Moto GP.
I think hat he isn't prepare to runing in Moto Gp. This ctegory is very potent for his because he doesn't have enoug developed bdy. This same problem Dani Pedrosa had and maybe Esparagaró will have the same problem.

Robot Cars

A team of architects and engineers at the Massachusetts has created a revolucionary a new robot city car.
The most shocking thing is that park thse vehicles with your eyes closed. This scientits are devoluping cars that park themselves automatically. This ars uses sensors to calculat for parking correc manoeuvres.
I believethat this cars will be created her a long time because now I would worry in important problems like climate change or anothers.

Vulcan and Iceland is a disaster air.

The cloud of ash from the Vulcan has reached middle Europe and most flights are disallowed. The ash cloud is composed of particles that leave the blocked aircraft engines and it does take a certain risk QE fly. It took a week to go, thousands of people were without flight, including the Barcelona Football Club had to travel by bus to Milan, because faced semifinal against Inter.
This vulca formed a great problem. I believeIf not had disappeared, Europe stayed in a important crisis. For fortune this cloud of ash had disappeared and now there aren't any problem.